Is your sales team using HCP-specific data to lean into cost and coverage conversations?
Traditional formulary tools only crunch generalized geographic data. It’s high level—and not particularly accurate. Access Genius combines formulary insights with transaction and claims data, so your sales reps can speak to a prescriber’s actual patient population. That powerful specificity can drive point-of-care decisions in your favor.

Talk to your HCPs about their specific patients
Access Genius Messaging gives your team targeted market access messaging based on practice-level coverage and copay data for each HCP on your list—plus the information to guide HCPs through navigating Prior Authorizations, Step Edits and Medical Guidelines. Simple to use, it’s fully integrated into Veeva and IQVIA OCE products.
Personalized cost and coverage conversations
Targeted insights on the patients in the HCP’s practice
Detailed formulary information, including restriction details
These tools drive radical Rx growth
Deliver the most relevant message
No matter the circumstances, with Access Genius Messaging your sales teams know the optimal market access message to deliver to each target HCP, every time.
Radically shift misperceptions about your brand’s market access
Sales calls aren’t predictable. Empower representatives to pivot from describing different coverage types to recommending ways to navigate possible restrictions like prior authorizations, without skipping a beat.
Connect with HCPs through multiple channels
Reinforce messages even when your sales teams aren’t face to face with HCPs. Access Genius’ unparalleled omnichannel tactics allow you to generate print-on-demand leave-behinds, Veeva-approved emails, integrated website pages, social media and other digital touchpoints.
Access Genius allows us to hit back against cost and coverage concerns with immediate impact.
—Pharma Sales Representative
Tailored to your brand. Targeted to your HCPs. Updated monthly.
Combines sophisticated data
Formulary data, HCP transaction and claims information, attribute and alignment data
Builds in complex expert analysis
Your brand's market access strategy, business rules, and market positions
Delivers a dynamic market access tool
Surround-sound experience with a range of message types each addressing access perceptions, seamlessly integrated into sales-force interactions and omnichannel tactics