It’s a team game–what we can learn from sporting principles to get the win

Oct 24, 2024
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Matt Wheeler | 24 April 2023

I think of myself as a pretty straightforward sort of person–and perhaps a fairly predictable one!

During the week, you’ll find me at my desk, working on all kinds of different medical communications projects. At the weekend, I am almost certainly indulging my love of sports. My absolute favourite place to be is at Franklin’s Gardens, home of the Northampton Saints rugby side, with my season ticket in hand! And on a Sunday evening, I’ll be nervously checking out how my fantasy NFL team is doing. #whodat

The truth is that there is plenty in common between agency and sports teams. We have to be able to work in synergy to achieve a common goal, we have to be focussed, we have to communicate, and we have to have effective leadership.

If you’re a fan of tortured metaphors, then please do continue on.



“If you fail to prepare, you're prepared to fail.”Mark Spitz, 9-time Olympic champion swimmer

In the project run-up, we get ready. We work to get the brief exactly right, make sure the project team is well-constructed and has the right experience to deliver and know what an ideal performance looks like.


3:00 pm on a Saturday (or hopefully not…)

“Do you know what my favourite part of the game is? The opportunity to play.”Mike Singletary, former linebacker and head coach in the NFL

This is the fun bit–the opportunity to 'do what we do', whether we’re crafting the beautifully written claim, designing the perfect ad, or building a website with the best UX–we all want to put our best work on tape, and on the field.


Half time–no time for the hairdryer

“Champions keep playing until they get it right.”Billie Jean King, former world No. 1 tennis player and pioneer for equality and social justice

So the draft is back from review, and it’s time to push the project through to the end. We need to understand what’s happened so far, make any tactical adjustments, and get ready for the next steps. The team needs to know the plan for the second half, and the leaders need to make sure that morale stays high.


The last 5 minutes–it’s money time

“Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up.”Dean Karnazes, ultra-endurance athlete

The end of the project can sometimes be the hardest part–the team has given their all, and the 'final whistle' is approaching. It’s vital to stay switched on and give the last bit of effort needed to get over the line.


Post-match–collecting the corner flags

“I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” —Michael Jordan, world-renowned basketball player

Before we can move on, we need to learn any lessons we can for the next go around. It’s easy to see where to improve when you lose, but the best teams strive to learn from their victories too.


So, a tortured metaphor, and not a totally original one–what’s my point?

Nowadays, in top-level sports, coaches have access to vast amounts of sport science data and can watch their players out on the field, giving them the information they need to optimise performance.

For agencies working in remote teams, that kind of immediate feedback can be harder to come by. Effective communication is paramount in helping all members of the team deliver their best–whether it’s veterans coaching up the newer recruits, or if the manager needs a lift from their charges after a challenging couple of weeks. It’s something we work hard at, no matter the stage of career or job title, whether it’s through regular catch-ups or providing concise and actionable feedback.

Working in that kind of environment leads to success–and some trophies on the mantelpiece. It’s no coincidence that we have that kind of award-winning squad at Precision AQ–talented players, of course, but supported by a set-up designed so that we can flourish, working remotely physically but very much part of a team.

Discover the New Blueprint for Empowering Access with Precision AQ.