Navigator365™ Matrix

Discover the right digital voices for your brand 

Today’s HCPs often look online for fresh ideas and reliable opinions. Navigator365™ Matrix is a unique tool that helps you find the right digital opinion leaders (DOLs) to advance your omnichannel brand strategy.

How to Identify the Right DOLs for Your Brand


Reach: The sphere of influence

Beyond follower count, true engagement reflects the value and interaction of the DOL’s audience.

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Relevance: The area of focus

Identify those DOLs sharing scientific and medical information that is relevant to your brand or therapy area.


Resonance: The ripple effect

When some DOLs talk, their extended audiences listen – lock on to those voices who are truly trusted.


Rhythm: The frequency of posting

Consistency builds audiences that anticipate and respond.


Harness actionable insights to determine true digital influence

Navigator365™ Matrix’s proprietary algorithm is able to aggregate and analyse the social media and online activity of thousands of DOLs.  By mining these millions of digital interactions,  Navigator365™ Matrix can determine each individual’s reach, relevance, resonance, and rhythm as they relate to your specific brand goals. These results are then combined into a single valuable metric of influence: our Digital Amplification Index (DAI). 

Tap Into the Digital Conversation

Identifying the right DOLs for your brand is the first step; now you need to engage. Navigator365™ Matrix is uniquely positioned to help, pinpointing areas of interest and educational gaps so you can approach with offers to collaborate on relevant content creation.

Leverage each DOL’s strengths

Get a live, in-depth digital profile for each expert. View critical data, so you can see at a glance whether they are a researcher, collaborator, or content sharer; which other DOLs are in their network; and which pharma companies they currently partner with.


Activate the right digital channels within your mix

Evaluate therapy area and product messages across digital channels, measuring relevant trends and identifying key knowledge gaps.


Adjust your digital strategy

Track the reach and engagement of your messaging in near real time across digital channels – and benchmark your scientific share of voice against that of your competitors.


Augment your conference planning

Filter relevant conference information, from which DOLs are present, to which posters and presentations create buzz, to social media by and about each DOL at the conference.

Book a 30-minute call with one of our omnichannel experts

Learn how Navigator365™ Matrix can help you find the right digital opinion leaders (DOLs) to advance your omnichannel brand strategy.

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