Investor Relations and External Communications

Thought-Leading Investor Relations and External Communications

As a strategic, fit-for-purpose healthcare investor relations and external communications agency, we integrate with each client team to develop tailored messaging and a bespoke strategy; we leverage data to inform our recommendations; and we execute flawlessly to help companies access capital and, ultimately, deliver transformative benefit to patients.

Our Solutions

From private to public, preclinical to commercial, we help companies at all stages map out strategic plans to thoughtfully engage with the financial community, position themselves as leaders in the space, and reach their financing goals. We craft timely and resonant messaging and seek to educate and expand clients’ share of voice while building credibility among key audiences both at and in between milestones.
Value Message Development and Amplification

Our deep industry knowledge and research on best practices assist each client in crafting key messages. We integrate vision, the value and impact of scientific innovation, differentiation from peers, and specific expertise into narratives that build credibility and value and importantly, resonate with key external stakeholders: investors, media, and industry thought leaders. We leverage our creative and digital capabilities to amplify company messaging across all interactive channels.

Investor and Industry Events and Corporate Access

We plan and execute virtual and live events to attract key investors, analysts and other stakeholders. From traditional analyst and investor R&D days to KOL roundtables and events at medical conferences, we facilitate partnerships within our global network of thought leaders and stakeholders. Our premier corporate access event each January in San Francisco is one of the largest in the industry!

Sell-Side Engagement, Investor Targeting and Outreach

We identify and connect clients with potential partners in equity research and investment banking who can further expand access, industry intelligence and support. In addition, we have extensive knowledge and resources to ensure clients identify the right healthcare and biotechnology investors. We help manage these relationships, and provide tactical support on outreach and scheduling.

Financing Strategy and Preparing for Life as a Public Company

We work with companies from the very earliest stages, supporting company branding and website development, Series A financing, and the public launch. We also support companies in their transition to the public markets—via an IPO, SPAC, or reverse merger—and beyond! In each instance, our team is ready to guide clients through all the mission-critical infrastructure-building events and financing decisions, supporting everything from crossover rounds and syndicate selection to bakeoffs and roadshow support.

Newsflow Planning

We strategically plan how, when, and where to disclose clinical, corporate, and financial news to generate the most value.


We build credibility across channels, platforming the insights of key opinion leaders to gain the coverage and positive impressions each client deserves, and using strategic earned media to expand share of voice and build momentum at and between milestones.


Discover the New Blueprint for Empowering Access with Precision AQ.