Uncover provider access barriers to your life-changing products
How can your therapies reach more of the right patients? Simple: Pinpoint the drivers behind oncologists’ prescribing decisions. OncoGenius solutions provide actionable insights into the formularies, EHR treatment plans, and pathways for your product across leading US Cancer Centers.
Where are the gaps in your access?
Let our data reveal them. We conduct primary research for account-specific analysis, then add longitudinal insights culled from monthly touchpoints with our pharmacy expert advisors—insights that serve as an early-warning system, so you can adjust strategy in time.
Three key ways to uncover openings and opportunities for your brand:

Access facts and trends straight from 100+ top cancer care centers
Oncogenius Access Insights shares thoughts from an established panel of oncology pharmacy experts at 100+ leading academic and community cancer centers, including NCCN centers, NCI centers, and health systems—a list biased to include the most sophisticated oncology centers.
The who, how, and when of oncology drug management
Provider Access Executive Summary
Product Scorecard
Account Detail File
Trend Analytics

The insider insights to inform a winning provider strategy
OncoGenius Provider Profiles start with a deep dive into drug utilization management systems, helping you understand how treatment regimens are approved and deployed, how brands are added and managed—and when providers can diverge from plan. Then the data expand to explore the differences between institutions and community practices. You’ll know exactly where to position your brand.
How can you increase provider uptake? Go deep
Drug Utilization Management Decision Making
EHR Treatment Plans
Account Profiles

Non-Physician Roles
Oral Therapies
Cellular, Gene, and Targeted Therapies

Take the broad view of the marketplace
OncoGenius Biomarker & Precision Medicine Reports explore the current state of precision medicine in the US market—from testing protocols to cost and coverage. It’s the foundation you need to position your brand most effectively.
To win the game, you need to understand the field
Overview of US Approach to Precision Medicine
Organization Testing Statistics
Financial Implications and Payer Influence
Biomarker Results in the EHR
Testing Panels and Platforms
We Have An Unparalleled Network of Cancer Providers
Satellite Locations
Infusion Chairs
Need Something Else? Our Network Is Always At Your Service: