Beware of these common omnichannel engagement pitfalls

Oct 21, 2024
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When moving to an omnichannel mindset for your customer engagement, it’s worth being aware of some of the typical omnichannel pitfalls:

  • Omnichannel is not about adding only digital channels to the mix. Some offline channels continue to do well and should be considered too.
  • Many still tend to see digital as a playground, or simply a way to spend the remainder of the Q4 budget. A failure to see digital as a strategic investment will lead to overall failure.
  • Digital is often associated with innovation: 'When we do something digital, we do something innovative.' In The New Normal, digital is simply another commodity, and factors like reach, engagement and cost take precedence.
  • Very often, digital is seen as a channel in isolation, while the strongest impact is achieved when all channels–including key offline channels–are activated along the customer journey in a well-orchestrated way.
  • Digital is often seen as a way for reps to enhance engagement with target groups. While this is true, such a stance is too limiting. In fact, digital offers a transformational opportunity to expand engagement beyond traditional channels, allowing you to cost-effectively reach new and influential stakeholders.
  • Digital is seen as a substitute for face to face. In most situations, this is not the case. It is a very cost-effective way to amplify the offline activities of the field force, meetings, MSLs and more.

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