Welcome to the multistakeholder world of pharma

Oct 23, 2024
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As you’re no doubt aware, pharma has moved towards a multistakeholder world: a world in which stakeholders beyond the prescriber continue to gain importance. Overall budgets, however, have remained flat, making it challenging to reach these additional stakeholders using traditional methods.


Digital must play a key role in reaching these relatively new audiences. Shifting traditional HCP engagement towards an omnichannel approach means that can be freed up and redirected to these new audiences. This budget shift is just getting started now, but the impact is expected to be significant and can generate a competitive advantage for early movers.

Learn how to engage your HCP audience with the right channels, the right frequency and the right content with actionable insights from Navigator365™ Core

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Looking for more Navigator365 Insights? Find out more on the difference between multichannel and omnichannel. 

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