Quantifying your omnichannel campaign plan with MCQ

Oct 17, 2024
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Having previously looked at the crucial role of the MCQ within our Navigator365™ Core, in our latest post we look at how MCQ can be utilised effectively during the planning stage of your omnichannel campaigns, using the Navigator365™ Planner companion tool.

Informed by valuable HCP insights imported directly from Navigator365™ Core, Navigator365™ Planner can help you build a robust and fully quantified omnichannel plan that delivers the impact you need with the budget you have at your disposal. Creating a plan begins with setting your ambition for each of your customer segments and from this point on, Navigator365™ Planner will walk you through the planning process step by step. From defining the key messages, all the way to selecting the optimum mix of channels for your target audience and plotting your anticipated interactions per segment on a timeline.


MCQ is key to quantifying your omnichannel campaign plans and projecting the impact they will generate within your target audience. Whereas in regular plans you might be limited to counting touchpoints, MCQ provides a standard unit of engagement that enables you to compare channel interactions, like for like. Using MCQ, Navigator365™ Planner allows you to set the right targets for your channels, which can later be used when measuring whether or not your campaign has been executed successfully. For example, having defined the number of HCPs in a particular segment, you might set an MCQ ambition of 7 MCQs per individual HCP. Navigator365™ Planner will help you project the equivalent impact of 7 rep visits generated through other channels. Throughout the process, as you add various channels to your plan, you can quickly and easily consult the dashboard to see how close you are to hitting your total MCQ target (or budget) for the campaign.


Navigator365™ Planner’s intuitive interface allows you to:

  • Estimate whether your campaign plan will generate the impact you require for each of your customer segments
  • Make use of Navigator365™ Core’s channel equivalence maps (powered by MCQ!) to help inform your choice of channels and create the right mix for your campaign
  • Visualise if the weight of your campaign is balanced in terms of time, volume of owned vs promotional channels or in terms of digital vs offline channels
  • Fine-tune the right frequency of using channels, taking into account the available budget

Having finalised your quantified campaign plan, you can then easily export it as input for your own omnichannel dashboards and reports. Navigator365™ Planner provides you with targets for your overall campaign, your channels, your customer segments, all the way down to individual HCPs, fully aligned with your overall strategy and agreed ambition.


If you’d like to know more about how MCQs can deliver an unparalleled head start for your next customer engagement plan, then please get in touch!

Co-create your next omnichannel customer engagement strategy with the support of our expert guidance and Navigator365™ data insights!

This post is part of a limited blog series that aims to take a closer look at the MCQ, a fundamental building block of our Navigator365™ customer engagement insights research. Previous posts introduced the MCQ concept and shared some useful MCQ-related dos and don’ts.

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